Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Hello Again and an Advent!

Well Hello and welcome back to Graham's Landing. It's been a long time of coming but i finally got round to putting something on my blog. I'll tell you about it sometime, but I decided to amke a concerted effort to post something. So, just liek last year, I'm going to have a countdown to Christmas and post some Advent pictures!
As you can see I'm already a day late, but better late than never.
So welcome to December and my Countdown to Christmas!

Day 1. Advent Borneo Style
I'm cheating too...as this was last year's day 1 picture too. But I couldn't be further away from a Borneo Christmas if I tried, so this is for o;d time's sake.
As the weather is set to drop tonight I thought it would be quite nice to have a little warmth to keep me going.

My second picture is a little closer to home. The sunrise this morning at home in Cumbria.
So here's to a good December and getting back my blogging Mojo!

Amanda x


  1. Hello, welcome back to blogland - I am doing my advent calendar again too
    Julie xxxxxxxxx

    1. hi, thank you. I shall have to pop over and have a look.

  2. Lovely to see you back on your blog. The sunrise is beautiful - a good way to start the day!

  3. It is so wonderful to hear from you Amanda and to know that you are here again!!! I have really missed you. I hope that things are going well for you and that you are all settled in now. I hope too that you have a good Christmas and that 2015 brings only good things for you. xx

    1. oh, thank you. It's taken a while to get my head round being here, but feeling a little more settled. Best wishhes to you too. x

  4. I hope everything is going well for you, I to have been having a break from Blog land.

    1. Hi there/ Sometimes a rest is what we all need. Nice to see you are still doing the Scavenger hunts. I shall do my best to take part this month too. x


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