Thursday, 11 December 2014

Advent Calendar- Day 11

I love this little chappy- He's called Pip the Penguin. To be honest he's called Pip just the same as the identical penguin my sister has. Despite our age we are both suckers for anything cute and you don't get much cuter than this thing. The first time I heard him I had a big grin from ear to ear. He sings and dances, well waves his flippers about, to 'Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas', which is just adorable.
I have tried to download the video of him, but as yet, the uploading onto here via various means is beyond my technological capabilities. As soon as I fathom it out, I promise we shall have an encore.
Until then you may just have to sing it all by yourself.

Amanda x


  1. I don't need the video! I have him too!! He is a gift waiting to be wrapped up, but I might have had a go with him! There is also a tree for someone else!! xx

  2. I think he is great!
    Julie xxxxx

  3. "Have yourself a merry little Christmas ……...!"


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