Saturday, 11 January 2014

Into the Swing of Thing's Saturday

Well, hi there- It's the weekend and it seems to have been an awfully long week. But I feel I've now gotten back into the swing of things. My Jet lag has finally abated (I hope!) and my mind is now whirring with a keen buzz and feeling of 'lets get on and do stuff'

I've already kicked off the year with a couple of lists of things to keep me going as you saw earlier this week - here -and I'll keep you posted each time I manage to cross something off. 

I'm going to continue with a few of my regular posts and also join in with some new ones- Yesterday's One Photo, Twenty words 1p20w for a start- But I've also discovered some more photo opportunities, one of which I shall be sharing with you tomorrow.

As I love my scavenger hunts I'm going to carry on searching for my Made with Love Scavenger hunt photos and try and get as many CameraShy Weekly shots as I can! Phew that seems a lot- but then you know me, the more I have to do the more I get done! Hopefully It won't be too boring for everyone!

And so back to Saturday- A day of chillin', a cup of tea here, a cup of coffee there, a bit of socialising, A bit of me time, a bit of work, a snap here, a photo there- who knows where this weekend will go. But Bring it on- I'm ready for it!
I thought I'd leave you with a Saturday Snap or 2!

The kids in my class decided to play hangman and leave me a message:

It's the things like this that make my day!

Until Next time,
Amanda x


  1. What a lovely message from the children - I was given a note yesterday with a similar message! I don't think I will carry on with scavenger hunt as I've been finding them a challenge, more of a chore than it should be, but I do kind of miss it! I'm interested to hear what the other photo opportunities you have discovered are!

    1. It's the little things like this that make a teacher's day. As for the scavenger hunt- Don't stress- you could also join in once or twice if you feel up to it:)

  2. How lovely! Looking foward to your photo posts, I especially like the one picture twenty words one! xx

  3. What a sweet message from your kiddos! It things like that that I really miss, now that I have retired. The smiling photo of you and your dad packed a powerful punch! Wow! Good luck with your lists. I hope your Saturday has finished well!

    1. I had a very pleasant Saturday- lots of coffee out with the girls that then carried on until dinner:)

  4. What a lovely message to receive - no wonder it made your day. I'm looking forward to seeing all your photos over the next few weeks:)

    1. Yes It was. Glad you'll be along for the ride:)

  5. It looks like you had a great day! What a wonderful message from your kiddos, how sweet.

    1. They are such a great bunch of kids- I shall really miss them at the end of the school year:)

  6. Gosh what fun you're going to have with all your photo challenges and can't wait to see them. Lovely message from the children too.
    Patricia x


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