Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Scavenger Hunt for July

Joining in with Greenthumb at Made with love for this month's scavenger hunt.

 A bamboo stem that was growing in a pot.

C is for.
Cattle in a Culvert
Actually it's a water buffalo- but still it's cattle- Driving up the mountain road I spied her lying down in a little mud, trying to get cool. As you can see there hadn't been any rain for a whole as the culvert was empty and dry!

On the wall

Lots of bright and colourful graffiti on the wall... and if you look carefully, there's a coke on the wall too!

 Sweet maple syrup pancakes!

View of today
The view as I headed up the mountain road. It doesn't get much better than this!

In my bag..
Too much stuff!!! Hopefully it won't be over my weight allowance..even more so, I hope I will be able to carry it!

Plenty of levers on this motor bike.


Walking around Marina Bay Sands in Singapore


Liquid refreshment in the form of a Singapore sling!


The lovely swimming pool at a local hotel


We came across a baker making pastries..but then couldn't get a here's my other take on dough..slang for money!


We had lots of contenders for this category whilst we visited the zoo, but these guys were really cute.

That's it for another month..expect a few more Australia photos, now I've managed to put some on. Thanks for the I'm a happy little bunny.
Take care and have a good weekend
Amanda x


  1. Ohh amazing photos, as ever :) Can't decide which I love best - the Orangutans, the pancakes, the buffalo, the Singapore Sling! They're all fantastic :)

  2. Lovely photos! I really love the graffiti covered wall and the orang-utans.

  3. Great photos! I especially like C is for, and sweet.

  4. Great photos , so different to what I am finding.
    Amanda xx

  5. I love seeing your photos.Dough is inspired but i can just imagine sitting by the pool with a glass of your liquid.

  6. Great photos as always. I had dough/money as a backup idea if I couldn't get the photo I wanted of doughnuts! Love your stem, sweet and view. Looks like we've both been drinking cocktails this month. x

  7. Thanks for taking part in this months scavenger hunt. another great group of photos. I can't wait to see next months hope there is an Australian theme. I real like your photos of stem,on the wall,together and in your bag looks like it's over flowing. Greenthumb.

  8. Great collection of photos! I always enjoy yours as they're always so different and so varied!

  9. I love the graffiti! And a cocktail by that gorgeous pool would be ideal right about now (5PM on a Friday and it's hot out).

  10. A wonderful selection of photos ~ the Orangutans steal the show with their togetherness hugs :) Beautiful 9 p.m. colours, and the pool and drinks look very refreshing...especially if you had to cart bag around );

  11. Lots of great finds! I hope that you are having wonderful travels. xx

  12. Ha, I love the take on dough!!! Very clever and pretty too! Your bag is funny too! The view of the mountains is exquisite and I am salivating over the pancakes!!!

    P.S. sorry I am so late in visiting- have been away on holiday with DREADFUL data signal!x


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