Saturday, 28 February 2015

February Scavenger Hunt

Gosh, how time has flown. A click of the fingers and we are here in March already. I'm not sure if anyone else out there says 'White rabbits' when it's the first of the month, or is that just a me and grandma thing! Anyway, here we go. The end of February came round so much quicker than expected., so there was a mad dash at the end to find some scavenger hunt photos. I have found it pretty hard going this month, lots going on with a new job and everything, but I got there in the end.

So thanks to 'Greenthumb' for hosting, here's last month's Scavenger hunt photos.

Flowers- there's been an abundance of flowers around this month.

On the road...
Actually more like on the roadside,  a clump of Daffodils that my dad planted years ago, that each year keeps popping up.

These long tailed tits were tapping away at the bird feeder.

Something beautiful...
Taking in the beauty of all the little things in life.

A very cold freezing fog kinda day, complete with a Crow sitting in the frozen hedgerow.

Whatever I want...
I just can't get enough sunset and sunrise pictures, wherever I am in the world!

My friend's little girl was colouring in a I love you poster.

Price ...
I would love to say this is my kitchen, but the IKEA price tags give it away. I can dream although!

I couldn't resist using this one, even though my heart shaped images are from ages ago, I decided to put them together as a collage for Valentine's Day.

A variety of number resources that I use for teaching in my maths lessons.

A corner of my home...
Shamefully, a very messy corner in the spare room, that doubles as a dumping ground for all my craft materials

My favourite colour...
Is turquoise and all its variations.

So that's my lot for this month. Looking forward to March. 


  1. Thanks for taking part in this months scavenge hunt.I really like your photos of numbers, heart, and something beautiful. Greenthumb

    1. It's lovely to take part each month, thanks for hosting. X

  2. Great finds! I really like your take on tap! xx

    1. To be honest I was really stumped with that one, until I started watching the birds out of the window...tapping away..duh! X

  3. Nothing wrong with dreaming, that is a fab kitchen!! Great selection of photos. Suzy x

    1. So very true. I could live in lots of those room settings!

  4. We say 'white rabbits' too on March 1st:) Lovely photos - how wonderful to have long tailed tits on the feeders and that kitchen is gorgeous as is the golden sky:)

    1. Thanks for the nice comments and I'm glad I'm not the only one to say White Rabbits!

  5. Lovely set of photos, would love that kitchen too, al so like colour and tap..
    Amanda xx

  6. Love the heart leaves, beautiful. Your corner of your room, looks like everyone of my cupboards and drawers, I dread opening them for things falling out!

    1. That corner is only a reflection of all the other corners at various places in the house! I really need to get organised

  7. I enjoyed your photos so much, Amanda. Your heart collage was awesome, and I loved the turquoise collection ~ but then all our photos are great. The maths one brought back memories of working with my third graders. I'm always glad when you can participate in the hunt. Happy March! White rabbits is new to me! Is it just for March or every month. Maybe it's connected to the March hare in Alice in Wonderland?? Take care!

    1. I think white rabbits was originally just for March, but I tend to say it every month...a strange thing, who knows where it comes from! X

  8. The longtailed tits are beautiful! How did you get so close- they are amazing! Love your collection of aqua items and the numbers display¬x


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