Last weekend I went to visit my niece who is at University in Liverpool. Now, it's not the first time I've been. far from it, but I decided to snap some photos whilst I was there. I apologise for the photo heavy post, but I was quite happy clicking away!
Walking past the Central Library I couldn't help but notice the book titles etched into the pavement. What a cool idea. Don't be fooled by the sunny pictures though, even though it was sunny, there was a bitterly cold wind blowing off the Mersey.
Alongside the Library you come across the Museum. This one is home to Natural History, Science and touring exhibitions. This time I noticed that there was the 'Colour of Science' exhibition on. I didn't go in as I'd already visited this up in Carlisle (We had taken my class on a school trip!) but it's a decent exhibition and quite fun too.
Walking back up past the Library .... come across the Walker Art Gallery.
And I do like a bit of an art gallery, so in I popped!
It was about 25 years since I'd last been in here and even though I vaguely remembered the feel of it, I looked at the gallery through fresh eyes.
The statue room, filled with marble delights...I particularly liked the Three Graces statue and the cheeky cherub in the foreground:)
and then on to the main galleries. I could have looked at some of these paintings for hours.
There were quite a lot of famous paintings and lots of work by celebrated artists.
There was a temporary display of paintings from the 'pre - raphaelite' movement, which had I more time, would have loved to visit. But sadly time was of an essence so a quick walk...
led me back away from the imposing buildings and past St George's Hall,
And through the park
(You can just about make out the Liver Building towers in the background)

and down towards the Cavern Quarter, home of the Cavern Club and full of tourists playing homage to The Beetles.
I then made tracks towards St Patrick's Cathedral,
Affectionately known as Paddy's Wigwam' for its original and modern structure.
I loved the light that shone through the stained glass windows
And all the small side alters for thought and prayer.
There was some impressive tapestries
and Art work
but overall it just had a really nice feel to it. Now, I'm not Catholic, nor particularly religious, but I did feel it was a place of calm, reflection and contemplation,
And I'm glad to have visited it.
Next time I will have to visit the Anglican Cathedral to even things out :)
Then there's always the Tate Liverpool, the Liverpool History Museum, The Maritime Museum...
Definitely another trip beckons!
Bye for now.
Amanda x