Happy April Fool's Day! March is over and spring should be well and truly on its way, although judging by the wind, rain, sleet and snow that has passed by my window today, I'm not so sure.I'm a bit late on the posting front, but better late than never. First is my Six Word Friday post, set up by Adrienne, at mymemoryart.blogspot. then onto my scavenger hunt photos.
Six Words- Bud
From green bud to yellow flower,
A true sign of early spring
Their golden faces shine out brightly
Cheering up the winter like days.
Scavenger Hunt for March
Joining in with 'Greenthumb at 'Made with Love for the monthly photo scavenger hunt. March flew in and out so quick, it all made for a mad rush at the end to get in some pics-but I managed, here goes...
Lots of circles
Lots of colourful cards.
A little boarded up window, in the wall of an old farmhouse that I pass everyday on my way to work.
Some Easter art work.
A very grey day overlooking the skyline that is the Solway Firth.
I was trying to capture the movement of the tides in the estuary. The difference between high and low tide is quite amazing. There just happened to be a couple of birds flying by to add to the movement.
Lots of bathroom accessories
Just the thing you need to zoom around the supermarket.
Pretty plates, too nice to use?
Something you made.
One of three utility aprons I made recently.
A Favourite word..Tea! sitting quietly over a cup of tea =Bliss
Anything you like..
A very nice cup of hot chocolate. The white one is Hot Cross Bun flavoured!
Until next time,
Amanda x